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Compliments, Complaints and Feedback


At Corazon, we strive for best practice and endeavour to provide our clients with the best possible service. We encourage your comments and feedback so that we can improve our service.

If you have a comment or suggestion about our service please email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use our Compliments, Complaints, Feedback Form.

Complaints Policy

If we have not met your expectations, or you have a specific complaint, we encourage you to tell us and we will aim to deal with it fully, fairly and as quickly as possible.

  • You have a right to be heard;
  • You have a right to be treated fairly, equally and with respect;
  • You have the right to be free from intimidation and harassment;

Most issues can be resolved quickly, so we encourage you to raise your concerns with us by:

  • Contacting the relevant Corazon staff member who will try and resolve the issue. If the concern is about your counsellor, contact the Corazon Centre manager.
  • If you are not sure how to raise issues you are concerned about, or your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction and you would like to speak to someone who is not part of Corazon, you can contact the Complaints Officer.

All complaints will be recorded and followed up in a timely way. You have a right to continue to access the service during and after making a complaint. Any complaints that involve a breach of the rights of any person and are of a serious or criminal nature will be reported to the relevant authorities. 

If you are still not satisfied with the response you receive, you can lodge a formal complaint with your therapist's professional membership body.

If your therapist is a General or Clinical Psychologist, you can contact the Australian Psychologial Society or the Psychology Board of Australia to register your complaint.

If your therapist is a Social Worker, you can contact the Australian Associaton of Social Workers.

Third party complaints (complaints on someone else's behalf)

In line with our ethical responsibility to ensure client confidentiality, we cannot accept complaints from someone other than the client who is receiving the counselling service. Please assist the client to make a complaint directly according to the process outlined above.