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Protecting your Privacy

Is everything I tell Corazon staff confidential?

All personal information gathered during the provision of psychological services will remain confidential except in the following circumstances:

  • Your prior approval has been obtained to provide a written report to another professional, such as a doctor or a lawyer;
  • Your prior approval has been obtained to discuss the material with another person, such as a partner or employer;
  • It is subpoenaed by a court of law;
  • Failure to disclose the information to an appropriate person would place you or another person at risk;
Why do we collect your information?

In the course of providing our services, personal and sensitive information is collected, held and maintained by Corazon. The information helps us to keep up-to-date details about your needs, so we can care for you in the best possible way. We also use the information to better manage and plan our service.  All staff members at the Corazon Centre have signed confidentiality agreements to protect your personal information. Information will be collected from the following sources: from yourself, your GP and other service providers who may be involved in your treatment. This information is completley confidential.

How will your information be protected?

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your records. All information collected by Corazon will be used only for the primary purpose intended. We treat your information in the strictest confidence and store it securely. The privacy of your information is also protected by law. Corazon is bound to adhere to the following Federal and State legislation:

  • Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988
  • Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria)
  • Health Records Act 2001 (Victoria)
  • Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000
How is my information stored?

This information is held in secure storage, which is accessible only to authorised employees. In accordance with the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Storage of Records - Code of Ethics (2003), all client information is maintained and kept, in the case of a child, until they are 25 years and for adults for at least seven years after the last consultation.

Who else sees your information?

At times, we are obliged to forward information on the overall program being run at Corazon or to create statistical and descriptive reports for organisations who are stakeholders in the program. Disclosure of such information is in accordance with our written policies and limited to the intended purpose as agreed with Corazon. No names are attached to this data, so your confidentiality is not at risk.

Can I access my information?

Yes, you are generally entitled to access your personal information that we keep on record. You can request more information about our Privacy Policy and find out how to access information held by Corazon by telephoning (03) 9974 2756 and asking for the Privacy Officer.

Corazon and other organisations

Corazon's service and relationship is with the client. As part of the service, at the conclusion of the 6 psychotherapy sessions, a written response on the progress of work with the client is sent to the referring GP. The psychologist may, also, if appropriate, provide a letter to the client summarising work they have undertaken.

Written reports on clients are not prepared and provided to external organisations, agencies, workers and persons as a part of this service.

A psychological assessment sought by the client for an external authority falls outside the capacity and bounds of the psychological and counselling service provided by Corazon. If such a formal report is requested the following is required to enable the report to be provided:

  • A written authorisation from the client, stating clearly the purpose of the report and to whom it should be made available;
  • Payment for the work time and tasks involved in the preparation, completion and distribution of the report.